About us

Marronflix was founded in 2020 by El Durando Misiedjan and is located in the Netherlands. Misiedjan is not only an actor, director, script writer and editor, but also co-founder and manager of Para’s Media, the trendsetter in the Surinamese film industry.

Marronflix is ​​based on the extensive experience of Para’s Media since its inception in 2009. The aim of the organization is to bring high-quality cinema entertainment to the general public. The foundation was laid with the mere translation of American and Nigerian films from English to Ndyuka to give a large part of the Surinamese population access to Hollywood and Nollywood. In the growth phase that followed, the organization initiated young people into the world of acting, filming, editing and translating. The full entry into the film industry resulted in the collaboration with other like-minded organizations and the production of own TV films, some of which are in the cinema.

The demand for original Surinamese films in the world is high and growing. Because of the shared history and culture, this call is much louder in French Guiana and the Netherlands, followed by Belgium and France, where more and more Surinamese settle.

This platform therefore does not only contain productions from Para’s Media. Marronflix is ​​a gateway for all Surinamese film producers and entertainment organizations to the wide world. The Covid-19 pandemic that erupted in early 2020, followed by a strict policy and ban on congregation, has dealt a serious blow to cinema life worldwide.

With this website, Marronflix offers a modern platform to bring world cinema into your living room with one click.